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Planning and Effectiveness

Institutional Mission Profile Annual Reporting

Program Description

Mission profiles characterize the distinctiveness in degree offerings and address institutional accountability for the quality of instruction, research, and public service provided to the students of Tennessee. Mission profiles are also utilized by the outcomes-based funding formula to help align institutional mission and state funding priorities. The 2016 FOCUS (Focus on College and University Success) Act emphasizes the importance of institutional mission profiles and directs the annual submission of profiles. Each public university and community college considers the annual submission to reflect on the mission of the institution and make any updates necessary to communicate this mission to stakeholders. Since 2017, each institution has submitted an updated mission profile which was reviewed and approved by the Commission.

It should be noted that institutional mission profiles do not supplant institutional mission statements used for institutional accreditation and other public disclosure. The comprehensive mission statements are in accord with the institutional mission profiles.

MTSU Mission Review and Revision Archive